Over the years, I’ve written a lot of blogs on several sites. Some of my favorites are here, mixed in with my original content. Enjoy.
More Calls to Action = Lower Conversion
When more is less: A case study in three screenshots.
The Sunk Cost Fallacy in content marketing and SEO
I tend to be very reluctant to remove old content, because Internet Bit Rot is a serious problem. It’s hard to find old-but-good information when you need it.
But over time, I've softened my "keep all content forever" position. Jimmy Daley at Animalz offers useful advice to identify when content has served past its sell-by date, and how to convince your boss to let it go.
Quick Stats, CRO edition: Form Conversion
Need to talk a client out of making a really bad decision on a web form? Here are some quick stats you can use to try to talk them off the ledge.